School Lobby and Entryway Murals Are a Cost-Effective Way to Make Your School More Welcoming and Build the Sense of Community Essential to Student Success
Author’s note: Installing murals in your school’s entryway and common areas is a cost-effective way to transform the look and feel from cold and institutional to warm and inviting. Educators know an attractive physical environment is essential to boosting the morale of both staff and students. Research indicates elevating the look of your school building with murals can increase safety on campus and improve academic outcomes. In this article, we discuss the wide range of benefits for pre-K through college students of the many types of mural installations, including those for entrances, lobbies, and vestibules.
While interior design is often reduced to mere aesthetics, numerous studies suggest the design elements of a school significantly impact students’ well-being and learning experiences. The physical environment influences individuals’ moods, actions, and motivation levels. Experts from a wide range of fields agree that schools can create a more positive, productive school climate by prioritizing thoughtful interior design. Your entryways, vestibules, and lobbies are the right places to begin as they’re seen by everyone who enters your school.
Regardless of the age of the young people you serve, you know the experiences they have on your campus are some of the most influential of their lives. From developing social and communication skills to critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, your students rely on you to prepare them for adult life. Improving the interior design of your school with murals helps build a sense of community and fosters the feelings of belonging that are critical to individual student success.
Upgrading entryways and main office décor with murals and wall graphics can be a great place to start when upgrading the interior design of your school.

The Wildcats are welcomed each day at the front doors of Johnston County’s Glendale-Kenly Elementary School (GKE) with this cheerful mural that includes these words: “It’s a beautiful day for learning!” Not only do these perforated window films provide a colorful start to the day, but they also increase security by preventing outsiders from looking in. The view of the exterior grounds, however, is unobstructed and allows students and staff to clearly see everything outside the windows.

Murals featuring motivational quotes not only provide an aesthetic boost to the main lobby of West Johnston High School, but also leave students with an important lesson about developing good habits as they end their school day. Bulkheads, cross beams, columns, and other school building support infrastructure can be covered with wall graphics very cost-efficiently and make a huge impact on the interior space.

These Before & After photos of the exterior and interior of the main office at GKE clearly demonstrate the tremendous impact wall murals, signage, and desk wraps have on the educational institution and its community members. Murals with the positive messaging of “Be Kind” and “Welcome” greet visitors to the office. The desk wrap features the school’s signature colors of bright yellow and cobalt blue, along with the GKE logo. The use of fun imagery sets a sunny tone and helps students feel safe.
Many of the schools Magic Murals works with begin the process of improving their school’s interior design by upgrading entryways and main office décor.
Installing artwork like murals and large printed graphics is a cost-effective way to make your school feel less institutional and more inviting to all. At a time when many schools have, by necessity, increased security measures in their lobbies, vestibules, and entryways, murals are an impactful way to help students, staff, and visitors feel welcome, safe—and even joyous.
West Johnston High School is one of the numerous Magic Murals clients that welcomes parents and other visitors with a unique and attractive entryway. “The murals give a new look to our 23-year-old building by providing extra color and new design elements without making any structural changes,” says School Secretary Ashley Hales. “We’re very pleased with the new murals. They make a huge impact on people who come to the school.”
Ashley adds that the process of working with Magic Murals was easy. “Magic Murals shared examples and offered suggestions regarding ways we could enhance our school with new artwork. They then gave us a spreadsheet that broke down the product printing and installation costs of the proposed murals so we could be sure to stay within budget.”
A mural on a bulkhead over a main entrance door can make a huge impact. Located in North Carolina, West Johnston High School has a student leadership program, and staff solicited input from a diverse group of student leaders during the design process.
West Johnston High School Principal Dr. Jennifer Swartz says, “Collaborating with Mike was a positive experience. He helped us post inspirational images and quotes at the entrance of our school to welcome our students, staff, and community into the building. We have plans to continue this work as we have funds to support it.”
Magic Murals’ CEO Mike Fleming says one of the things he enjoys most about working with local schools is doing a site visit to the campus and providing the best possible recommendations to school administrators. “There are often beams, columns, desk fronts, and other small areas we can cover quite inexpensively with graphics to make a huge impact on the overall space,” he says. “School entryways and lobbies are some of the best places to start when a school wants to modernize their look.” Mike offers advice on how to save money; what kinds of materials to use; how to break up large projects into smaller, more manageable phases; and what types of artwork and graphics have worked well for other school systems.
The Magic Murals team has helped revamp the look and feel of hundreds of schools across the country, and they have a lot of wisdom to provide. For non-local schools, they strive to offer the same support throughout the process that they offer to local institutions. Mike says, “We offer the same expert advice and support to a non-local school by sharing other school mural examples to demonstrate the possibilities and requesting a few site photos and measurements that allow us to execute as if we were on site.”
Magic Murals’ services include:
- Talking your school’s project manager through the process of identifying the best areas for wall murals and other types of printed graphics in your school’s entryway, vestibule, lobby, and other places on your campus.
- Properly recording necessary measurements.
- Examining wall surfaces to make sure the best materials possible are chosen.
- Offering everything from tips to your graphic designers to full design services.
Murals for school lobbies and vestibules make a great first impression.
Murals make it easy to transform blank walls into works of art. Experts at the International Society for Educational Planning assert, “White walls are proven to cause detrimental psychological effects, such as anxiety, disruptive behaviors, lack of focus, and depressive moods to students and educators that spend time within the space.” Relatively small changes to school décor can make a dramatic difference for students and staff, and murals are much less expensive than many other forms of decoration and upgrades.
From the front door through the lobby and into the main office, everyone who enters Cleveland Elementary School is treated like a rising star. Simple mantras like “Be Kind”, and “It’s Good to Be You!” promote a safe and welcoming school community.
According to the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, “Creating a positive environment is necessary in order for teachers to teach effectively and for students to be engaged and receptive to learning. A sense of belonging can be impacted by artistic expression in schools with the placement of murals and visuals.”
Installing murals on your campus can increase safety.
Michael Dorn, Executive Director of Safe Havens International (SHI), is one of the most respected and highly credentialed school safety experts in the world. In a recent blog post, Dorn recommends installing murals and artwork to help students establish a sense of place and foster a closer sense of connection to their school.
Dorn refers to the international movement of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and says that one of its major components is positive territoriality. “Positive territoriality creates a greater sense of ownership and connectivity between legitimate users of a place and the physical place,” he writes. “Murals and artwork are two of the more common ways schools can improve positive territoriality to improve school climate and culture.”
Dorn adds that CPTED augments physical security measures like security cameras and personnel: “Because of the extensive research on CPTED, its principles have been accepted as evidence in courts in all 50 states making it a good standard of care approach to help mitigate civil liability exposure while more importantly making schools more pleasant, effective, and safer learning environments.”
This expert further recommends that schools may want to consider including photos of actual students, student events, and iconic student locations such as the football stadium, the cafeteria, or the big painted boulder that everyone loves (every school seems to have something like this).
Murals are a budget-friendly way to make your school campus more welcoming to diverse groups of people.
Schools serve diverse populations and rely on high levels of parent and community engagement to achieve the best outcomes for all students. The innovative use of murals can help both students and visitors feel at home as soon as they approach your main entrance.
At many schools, the main office is located immediately inside the primary entrance and is the first location that visitors seek. The office can be an intimidating space for students and parents alike. Magic Murals has worked with dozens of schools to apply friendly, colorful, inclusive artwork that helps people feel more comfortable. Murals can also lift the mood of a space that lacks windows and natural light. New artwork can even add views to windowless rooms and make small areas seem larger.
Compare these two images of the front hallway of Glendale-Kenly Elementary School before and after mural installation by Magic Murals. Professionally produced murals are upbeat and lively while presenting a clean, polished look that makes a positive impression on visitors.
“It’s just been great working with Magic Murals,” says Kelly Holland, Principal of Glendale-Kenly Elementary School. “I really do appreciate our relationship with them and what they’ve helped us do for the kids.” She adds that Magic Murals staff complete projects in a timely manner and quickly work with them to address their needs.
The school has completed several stages of art installation and began with the school entryway, front hallway, and a makeover for the main office. Projects in the bus lobby, cafeteria, and media center followed. Kelly’s school solicited feedback from the community for the murals in the media center that celebrate the communities of both Glendale and Kenly. Staff were able to vote on their preferences for the artwork. “We were able to capture ideas from various stakeholders, and the murals turned out great.”
Murals have been installed throughout Glendale-Kenly Elementary to provide a colorful and cohesive look to the entire campus.
A native of the community where her school is located, Kelly says, “Blank walls don’t really say, ‘Welcome in.’ Kids need color. Before Magic Murals, our school didn’t have anything on the walls, and it resembled a hospital. We’ve created an inviting, kid-friendly setting that makes kids smile.”
In addition to cost-effectiveness, Kelly emphasizes the durability of the murals. “They don’t have to be repainted and they’re very easy to clean. You just wipe them off and keep on going.”
She says installing murals caught on quickly throughout the Johnston County School System after people saw the walls at Glendale-Kenly Elementary. “I’ve been bombarded with questions from other schools about how they can get murals like ours.”
According to this 2023 blog post by experts at Global Services in Education, “Whether designing new schools or renovating existing ones, incorporating modern interior design concepts is essential to ensuring that students are given the best possible chance to succeed.” The article recommends that administrators prioritize interior design to create a positive and effective learning environment. Designs should “align with the institution’s educational goals and objectives. . . [to] promote an environment that enhances student engagement and fosters learning.”
Murals that include your school’s logo and mascot increase school spirit for students, staff, parents, and members of the broader community.
Logos, mascots, and mottoes are central to everyone’s school experience, especially in high school. These elements adorn sweatshirts and yearbooks and all sorts of mementos kept throughout one’s life. What better way to use these branding assets than to welcome everyone into your school as they did at Harnett Central High School.
Branded murals and signage featuring your school’s logo, mascot, and signature colors are a relatively inexpensive way to reinforce school pride and a sense of place. Artwork that features the nicknames given to athletic teams—and applied to the student body at large—helps create a common public identity for all members of the school community. Schools can add warmth and create an atmosphere of caring and inclusivity with murals.
Riverwood Middle School (RMS) serves over 900 students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. School administrators worked with the design team at Magic Murals to create inspirational spaces throughout the building, from the entryway to the media center. As demonstrated in these photos of completed murals, impactful artwork installations rely on a cohesive design with overarching themes that draw a connection between all individual elements.
When Riverwood Middle School principal Monica Sawyer started her new position in August 2022, the walls were plain, making the school setting somewhat sterile. “I felt it was very important to create an uplifting and positive environment for teachers and students,” Monica says. “Murals have been a great way for us to show school spirit and increase school pride.”
Monica adds there’s been an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the murals from both the school community and the larger community. “Kids love the murals, and parents are excited about seeing them. They change the whole face of our school.”
Completed in 2023, the first mural to be installed surrounds the main entrance. Subsequent projects include grade level headers in all the hallways, graphics for the media center windows, two huge murals of the mascot surrounded by numerous positive character traits, and a giant mural of the logo on the back of the school.
“The three big murals are where kids like to take photos,” Monica says. “The kids get so excited when they see the new artwork being installed. They have been very respectful of all the murals.”
The most recent mural project is located inside the front entrance, and it contains three inspirational quotes about excellence. Monica sent a survey to teachers and families regarding possible quotations to include on the mural, and the top three vote-getters are featured. “I wanted all the installations to have meaningful content,” she says. “Our school theme is excellence, and we strive for excellence in all ways.”
Monica continues, “We’ve absolutely loved the process of working with Magic Murals. Our next mural project will be to spruce up our cafeteria. Everywhere students, teachers, and parents turn, I want them to see our school brand and be proud to be a Riverwood Raven. The murals remind us of all the positive things that we are.”
Murals are completely customizable, easy to install, and appropriate for both interior and exterior application.
Magic Murals can apply nontoxic, environmentally friendly murals to a wide variety of surfaces, including glass, wood, brick, cinder block, and masonry. Murals are durable, easy to clean and maintain, and simple to switch out when you’re ready for a fresh look. We use premium fire-rated materials with a low-glare matte finish. A protective coating can be added to provide a layer of protection for murals in high traffic corridors.
From flagpole and light banners to huge wall murals and decorative elements for stairs, murals and printed graphics can enliven any space. Northern High School uses murals throughout their campus to create a cohesive look and stoke school spirit.
The main entrance and lobby to Lee County High School is a tribute to their “Yellow Jacket Nation,” a theme which runs through the school with murals and signage.
Murals offer almost limitless possibilities for design.
Your options for artwork are practically limitless. Our friendly, experienced sales and design teams can help you choose your designs and walk you through the entire process to ensure that you’re delighted with the outcome. For schools and school systems that don’t have their own graphic designers (or art teachers, media specialists, or other staff who want to lead a large-scale student project), Magic Murals is ready to help!
Of course, the more creative direction you provide, the quicker, easier, and less expensive the project. Schools typically provide Magic Murals with school branding elements such as their logo, school mascot artwork, preferred fonts, pantone color choices, tag lines, mottoes, and similar components to kick start the design process. Likewise, providing examples of other murals you’d like to emulate can be a great help in getting you exactly what you want in a timely and efficient manner.
It’s hard not to be “Eagle Proud,” when you walk into the main office at Harnett Primary School.
Artwork ideas for your consideration:
- Represent the backgrounds and interests of your students to boost self-esteem and a sense of belonging.
- Use murals as visual aids for important information like maps of the United States and the world, tips on developing healthy habits, or reminders about logistics such as registering for classes.
- Post school rules and guidelines for appropriate student behavior.
- Highlight your school’s theme and special offerings such as STEM, IB, the arts, language immersion/global studies, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and specific degree programs.
- Reinforce the mission and vision of your school by posting them prominently in a professionally designed mural.
- Use quotes, photos, and artwork from actual staff and students.
- Feature photos and quotes from inspiring role models, including alumni and local community leaders to encourage your students to aspire to greatness.
Murals are one of the best investments you can make in support of your teaching staff.
Pleasing artwork can have a significant positive effect on your entire school. A 2022 study on how the interior design of learning spaces impacts human health, behavior, and performance makes an assertion that resonates with most of us: “People are greatly affected by their surroundings, especially in learning spaces.”
Carolina Charter Academy makes its values clear with this desk wrap mural in the main office.
In addition to making students and visitors feel more welcome and relaxed, attractive decor is uplifting to staff. Murals can bolster employee morale and improve job satisfaction and retention rates. Teachers spend countless hours at school during and beyond instructional time. Their workspaces should feel like home rather than a cold, impersonal warehouse.
Extensive research demonstrates that walls with cool or warm colors—as opposed to neutral tones like white and beige—contribute to effective instruction and learning. Colors can help create an affirming atmosphere or promote a calming environment. The physical and psychological impacts of color may be reflected in student performance, as well as in the outlook of your teachers.
In addition to aesthetic and psychological benefits to the school community, murals can serve many functional purposes such as:
- Designating areas for specific tasks and activities.
- Making areas where you want students to congregate inviting.
- Improving school climate with visual reminders of expectations for appropriate student behavior.
- Facilitating traffic flow by providing landmarks that help people navigate your school campus with ease.
- Clearly identifying areas of the school and providing directions to areas frequented by visitors such as the main office and media center.
Does your school compete for students? Murals give you a competitive edge.
If you compete for students, murals are a highly effective way to brand your school and increase your ability to land top students. Whether you’re a K–12 magnet school, a community college, or a four-year institution, the aesthetics of your buildings and grounds are key to attracting students and can be a primary factor in the decision-making process for young people and their parents.
Johnston Community College (JCC) in Smithfield, NC provides one example of a highly effective use of murals throughout their campus.
Magic Murals has worked with junior colleges, colleges, and universities throughout our home state of North Carolina and across the entire country. School administrators often ask us to add dynamic branding elements throughout their campus, as well as visual interest to important information such as degree program details.
Neuroscience research provides new data about the best ways to support learning.
Advancements in neuroscience continue to provide new information about how the brain functions and the best ways to support learning. As technology, teaching methods, and curricula evolve, so should the physical learning environment.
In this 2014 blog post for Edutopia, the author writes, “From the front door and the school grounds to the classroom, the aesthetics of learning spaces impact brain function and influence how students feel when they’re in school—as well as how they feel about their school.” Experts are increasingly emphasizing the importance of human-centered design as a shift catalyzed by a holistic view of learning.
South Garner High School shows their school pride in a big way.
Two experts on learning space design from Dartmouth and MIT assert that “[T]he whole campus—anywhere and at any time—is potentially an effective learning space.” They continue, “Learning spaces are not mere containers for a few, approved activities; instead, they provide environments for people.” The goal, in their minds, is to prioritize human needs as integral to the design of the learning space. To many educators, these observations are obvious, yet school systems often fail to provide comfortable, inspirational spaces for learning due to competing demands and tight budgets.
Let us help you transform the look of your school! Contact us today.
You’re busy educating and supporting students. Let our design professionals do the work for you! Our design team works with schools across the country to custom design murals that educate students of all ages. We help you craft murals that are perfect for your student body, staff, parents, and alumni. When you take advantage of our expertise, you can easily create artwork for your school from your own digital images or from our extensive collection of curated images.
Magic Murals can help your school shine, just like we did at North Johnston Middle School.
Magic Murals is a leader in the interior design and large format printing industries with a business emphasis on printed wallpaper murals and other large scale wall graphics. Our team creates unique, custom-sized wall murals for clients around the world at our facility in North Carolina. We serve educational, corporate, small business, residential, and design & trade customers.
Our experience with image selection and the creation of custom murals gives us the ability to accommodate any design preference and offer almost limitless possibilities. Our team can adjust artwork to perfectly complement your color palette, remove unwanted objects, and more. We offer outstanding customer service and are completely committed to your satisfaction. Our team makes it easy to transform your space so that staff and students alike are excited to come to school each day.
Whether you need interior design improvements in one area of your school or want to identify a partner for a full-scale redesign or new construction, we look forward to learning more about your project.
To see everything that Magic Murals can do for your school, please check out our School Services page. There’s tons of information and ideas and an order form for free material swatches. Or, contact us online today or call us at (877) 448-7295 for a free consult. Or chat online with one of our friendly team members right now.
September 29, 2024 @ 4:50 pm
Such an amazing in-depth convincing explanation of the many benefits of installing murals in schools! Creating a sense of community, of shared values and goals, makes murals like these incredibly valuable resources.